Change phone number before sending data to CRM

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If necessary, you can change the phone number received from the PBX before sending data to CRM.

This will be useful if you want:

This will be useful if you want to:

  • Automatically add the area code to short numbers dialed by employees;

  • Replace 7 with 8 at the beginning of the number, if incoming calls are recorded from 7;

  • Add 8 at the beginning of the number, if incoming calls come without 8...

Editing the file /opt/itgrix_bx/customizer/actions/process_phone_number.php.

Example of trimming a number and substituting 8 at the beginning

In the following example, for all numbers of 10 characters or more, CRM will get a number at the beginning of which will be 8, and at the end - the last 10 digits of the original phone number:

  • 4991234567 will be replaced with 84991234567

  • 1234567 will be unchanged

  • 39974991234567 will be replaced with 84991234567

  • 74991234567 will be replaced with 84991234567

  • +74991234567 will be replaced with 84991234567

$phone = $params['phone'];

// Getting the last 10 digits of the number
if(preg_match('/([0-9]{10})$/', $phone, $match)){
// if the number has 10 digits at the end, then add an eight to the beginning
    $phone = '8' . $match[1];

return array(
    'state' => 'success',
    'data' => array(
        'phone' => $phone,

Last updated

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