Deploying a module backup

While updating the module to a newer version, the user is suggested an option to make a backup of the previous version. It may be necessary sometimes to roll back to the previous version using these backups.

First, you need to stop the module's service:

service itgrix_bx stop 

By default, backups are created in the /opt/itgrix_bx_backups/ directory as a subdirectory named with the module name, date, time and version, e.g. /opt/itgrix_bx_backups/itgrix_bx-20220829-173241-3.9.3/.

Inside, there are two folders: /opt/ and /etc/. To restore the module from the backup, you need to replace the current contents of the module directories /opt/itgrix_bx/ and /etc/itgrix_bx/ with those from the backup directories.

After replacing the files, set the owner and group (asterisk by default) just in case:

chown -R asterisk. . /opt/itgrix_bx/

chown -R asterisk. . /etc/itgrix_bx/

Next, you need to clear the /opt/itgrix_bx/state.json file to prevent the module from re-reading all the calls since the time of the backup:


Start the module service. You may need to re-authenticate the module in the portal through the admin panel after that.

service itgrix_bx start

Last updated

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