In the CEL table, there is no internal employee number in the cid_num column

Observable issues:

  • No call card windows when making calls

  • Wrong responsible user in activities

How to diagnose the issue:

  1. Find a call that didn't display the call card window in the application log file (e.g. incoming from 89123456 to 123). Use call ID to find all log entries related to this call.

  2. Find an event message "Conversation requested" - that's the moment when the call card should be displayed.

Example message:

    "0_ts": "2024-07-09 10:37:05.099 +05:00",
    "1_level": "info",
    "2_call_id": "1517576391.958",
    "3_call_stage": "Conversation requested",
    "4_command": "Start",
    "5_msg": {
        "active_conversation_id": "1517576399.959",
        "channel": {
            "answer_time": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
            "bridged_with": "",
            "end_time": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
            "extra": {},
            "from": {
                "is_local": false,
                "original": "89123456"
            "id": "1517576391.958",
            "is_primary": true,
            "name": "SIP/MTS_83432723033_INCOMING-000003bc",
            "start_time": "2018-02-02 17:59:51",
            "state": "ringing",
            "to": {
                "original": "3432723033" // should be internal number 123, but it's trunk instead
            "trunk": {
                "original": "3432723033"
            "type": "incoming",
            "was_answered": false

3. Here the trunk number is listed instead of the internal number ("to").

How to fix it:

  1. In the /etc/asterisk/sip.conf file (can be sip_additional.conf, sip_custom.conf, or user.conf for Elastix), add a line in a block for [123]: cid_number=123 Do that for all numbers with similar issues.

  2. Otherwise, you can add:callerid=Name <123> Name – is the employee name to be displayed on the phone. Re-read the Asterisk configs: asterisk -rx “sip reload”.

Last updated

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